In our community, Black doctors have always been on the frontline. We have created a fun and exciting way for everyone to learn about the many contributions of Black doctors, past, present, and future. BDOFL flash cards are a way to showcase and celebrate Black excellence in the medical field. In addition, we hope these flash cards will motivate you and inspire you to achieve all your goals.
Why are there so few Black doctors today?
- Lack of early exposure to medicine as a career choice
- Limited access to physician role models
- Less competitive overall applications (grades, MCAT score, experiences)
- Lack of available resources
Why do we need more black doctors?
The best way to eliminate health disparities in Black patients is to create more Black doctors
Examples of Black Doctors that will be featured

Dr. Hank Hill

Dr. Joseph Darryl Amos

Dr. Kitty Carter Wicker
Frequently asked Questions
BDOFL flash cards will feature Black medical doctors from across the country. The idea was initiated years ago, but re-ignited during the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the pandemic, we heard a lot about doctors “being on the frontline”. As Black doctors, we have always been on the frontline, trying to improve the health of our community while addressing health disparities. Over the past year, there has been an enormous amount of media coverage of the pandemic, however we have seen very few Black doctors invited to participate in these on-air discussions. It provides the false perception that qualified Black doctors do not exist.
We hope to achieve 5 things with these flash cards:
- To change the image of what a doctor looks like in America
- To celebrate Black excellence in the field of medicine
- To provide positive, Black role models for children and young adults in our community
- To provide a platform for the community to interface with Black doctors
- To help inspire the next generation of Black doctors
These cards are designed for everyone, not just the Black community. We want everyone to learn about the great contributions of Black doctors past, present, and future. The cards contain information that are age appropriate for children, teen-agers, and adults. We encourage individuals to share the cards with friends, family members, and everyone in your village. We also encourage educators at all levels to use them as an educational tool, and as a means to inspire your students to achieve their goals.
We will feature a diverse array of Black doctors from across the country. The doctors will come from several different practice settings… community- based practices, hospital based practices, or academic medicine. We will also have doctors that are no longer practicing clinical medicine, but are involved in research, industry, government, or business. In addition to information about their education and career, there will be a QR code on the back of the card that you can scan and learn the amazing, personal stories of the featured doctors.
To accent the fun, entertainment, and pride these cards will instill, we will have “Affinity Decks” that will be grouped by Black doctors that are 1) HBCU alumni, 2) members of Divine 9 organizations, and by medical specialties, and geographic location of practices.
We encourage you to refer any black doctors you would like to see featured.
We are simultaneously developing the digital version of the cards. We are very excited about this because it will significantly expand the opportunities for how the content can be delivered and consumed.
- early exposure to medicine as a career choice
- access to physician role models
- guidance to help navigate the application process
- financial resources to help pay for the application process, and money for scholarships

“Affinity Decks” that will be available:
- - HBCU Alumni Doctors
- - Divine 9 Member Doctors
- -Medical Specialties
- - Geographic Locations
- - Black Residents (Doctors-in-training)
“Affinity Decks” that will be available:
- HBCU alumni doctors
- Divine 9 member doctors
- grouped by medical specialties
- grouped by geographic locations
- Black doctor couples
YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PRE-ORDER YOUR CARDS SOON! A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these cards will be used for student scholarships.
Meet the Frontline

Black Doctors on the Frontline
Share these cards with everyone in your circle…your family, your friends, your entire village. We encourage teachers and educators, from kindergarten to college, to use the flashcards to inspire their students to achieve their goals.
Email us at
Soon you will be able to order your collection of cards
- Digital Version coming soon
- HBCU Collection
- Divine 9 Collection
- Specialty Collection
- Geographic location version